Dancing Goat Farm! Fresh and Local

So, I have long been in love with CHEESE!
I lived in France for a year and would walk down the cobblestone streets to “Centre Ville” to buy our food fresh from the farmers, daily. I learned to appreciate the value of the products that came from small scale farms where, the people who owned them, were the people who worked them. The time, the effort, the love that goes into the farm is tasted in the product. In this case, the CHEESE!

Not only do they have excellent cheese but they have a great story too. Paul and Chris retired from a traveling lifestyle with the Alberta Ballet, bought a farm and goats, never having any previous experience! It took them 5 years to perfect their Artisan Cheeses and hence, Dancing Goat Farm, with each of their Cheeses named after a dance. The waltz, Gavotte, Two Step and Fox Trot.
I have always had an affinity for things made by “someone” and I am so glad that I can now offer it to you!

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